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Oxfordshire Healthy Weight Toolkit

Children and family’s healthy weight is paramount to positive health and wellbeing. Social, economic and environmental factors all influence the opportunity to be a healthy weight. However, inequalities persist, and many families don’t have access to enabling factors such as affordable, health food options, and places where they can run, explore, wheel and play. Every organisation and every person working with children and families has a role to play to promote healthy weight, health and wellbeing, and creating an environment that makes being healthy the easy option.

The healthy weight toolkit is for professionals working with children, young people and families to provide a road map to services, referral pathways, advice on raising the topic/discussing healthy weight, signposting and information on services available.

The aims of the toolkit are:

  • To support you to promote healthy weight to all families to work to prevent and manage childhood overweight across Oxfordshire.
  • To enable you to deliver a consistent set of messages for children, young people and their families.
  • To help identify children who are overweight and enable the right support and services
  • To improve the understanding of the roles of different professionals and services working with children, young people and families for improved collaboration.