Passive smoking is especially harmful for children as their airways, lungs and immune systems are still developing.
Children who live in a household where at least one person smokes are more likely to develop:
Children are particularly vulnerable in the family car where secondhand smoke can reach dangerous levels even with the windows open.
The best thing you can do for your health and the health of your family is to stop smoking. It can be difficult to stop smoking because nicotine in tobacco is an addictive substance. It can take several attempts to stop smoking, but it doesn’t matter how many times you try.
Getting help to stop smoking will mean you are more likely to be successful. Free support, medication that includes nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), or vape are available through the local stop smoking service. Support to stop smoking can be provided face to face, virtually or via text and telephone. Referral into this service can come from a health professional, or you can self-refer.
Although vaping is not risk free, it is a safer option than smoking tobacco and is recommended by the NHS as a stop smoking aid. For more information on vapes, please read the South East Position Statement.
To access help and support follow this link:
Quit smoking - Better Health - NHS